Dec 12 2008

A Blogger Table Quiz

Published by at 10:49 am under Blog

Daragh (with one ‘r’) is doing some kind of feasibility study on how many people would be interested in going to a Charity Blogger’s Table Quiz before the Blog Awards in February. Specifically, if you can’t make the blog awards, maybe you’d be interested in a Dublin meet up.


Check out Daragh’s blog here for more information and please fill out his very quick survey (hint: Do you feel lucky, punk?). Spread the word too…


Incidentally, if you have not done so already, go register to attend the Blog Awards 2009.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “A Blogger Table Quiz”

  1. Daragh O Brienon 12 Dec 2008 at 11:53 am


    Thanks for the plug and for the spoiler… I was hoping to use that last question to judge the quality of the questions to set at the quiz.

    I trust it took you longer than 15 seconds to answer the question.

  2. Daragh O Brienon 12 Dec 2008 at 11:54 am

    WTF… my gravatar looks like a snot in a flying helmet.

    Explain yerself Mr Byrne.

  3. Rosieon 12 Dec 2008 at 4:35 pm

    there’s also the Ugly Blog Ball planned for the Friday night, in PantiBar…

  4. Darrenon 17 Dec 2008 at 1:47 pm

    @Daragh About 6 seconds. Sorry! Also, the avatars are run by a very sophisticated automated system, where they reflect the personality of the commenter. I have no control over it. 🙂

    @Rosie And are people still dressing as their blogs? My costume would be very dull.

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