The Apprentice has gained quite the blogger following in recent weeks. Simon on is hosting a live blog tonight, as well as our usual one. I hope ye all stick around and enjoy(?) tonight’s show with me as Bill Cullen finally chops the numbers down to the final three. Stuart, Orla, Nicky and Brenda are left standing. Who will survive to the final and the chance to be The Apprentice?

Maybury et al are having a blogging fund drive for Children’s Books Ireland.
CBI’s three primary goals are engaging young people with books, resourcing the children’s books community and reminding everyone of the importance of books for young people. One of the greatest gifts I got as a child was being encouraged to read. It has stood to me throughout life and that passion for books is still alive in me now. CBI tries to light that passion in the youth of today and any help you can give to their cause is greatly appreciated. Talk to Dave or go directly to and help in whatever way you can.
I closed my laptop and put it in my bag.
I put my scarf on and zipped up my jacket.
I took my wallet out of my pocket to get my train ticket.
I got up off my chair and walked to the door of the DART. It was just pulling in to Pearse Station.
I put my hand down to my pocket and couldn’t feel my wallet. I took a deep breath and went back to my seat. It wasn’t there.
I was beginning to worry slightly. The train came to a halt. I frantically looked under the seat and around the carriage. I knew I didn’t leave it at home, as I used it to pay for my newspaper in the shop in Greystones.
I hopped off the carriage just as the doors were closing. Panicked, I thought I must have left it in the shop.
Then I realised I was holding my wallet in my right hand.

I don’t have any prizes to give out but there’ll be fame and recognition for the best caption…
Eight years ago, Lottie and I kissed at the back of UGC cinema’s screening of Charlie’s Angels. Despite this inauspicious beginning, we have stayed together for eight years. From the early stage where no one (including ourselves) believed we would last right through to today where our friends seem to view us as that annoyingly lovey-dovey couple in the corner, I am proud to say the passion has never died.
Lottie has supported me through some of the darkest times of my life and she has been there at my side through all of it, when anyone else would have turned their backs. Equally, she has held my hand and laughed along during some of the greatest moments, many of which have been as recent as this year. I don’t care how mushy and loved up this post sounds, I want to tell her how much I love her and how important she is to me.
On Saturday night we were surrounded by some of our best friends and there is no better way we could have celebrated our anniversary. It was the second Burlesque Night we’ve been to and we’ll definitely be returning…

Look, I know I took too many pictures, but I just got a new camera and I was having fun with it. 🙂