Archive for November 20th, 2008

Nov 20 2008

Guess Where I Was Last Night…

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THe Panel Ticket

For more, go here.

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Nov 20 2008

Doyle Interviews Colin Parry

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Colin Parry and his wife, Wendy Parry, set up the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace after their twelve year old son, Tim, was killed following the Warrington bombings by the IRA in March 1993. They set up the foundation to promote “the understanding, management and non violent resolution of conflict“.


Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation

Colin was at Chain Reaction to talk about his centre and the ongoing campaigning for peace, and Darragh Doyle had the opportunity to interview him. He claims to have been ill-prepared to conduct the interview, but he draws some interesting and inspiring answers from Colin. Colin Parry is an inspiration in the truest sense. How he can exhibit such peace and forgiveness after the loss of his son is the sign of a truly good man? If more people in the world had his strength, we’d be in a very different place today.

Pop over to Darragh’s site or check out the interview below:

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Nov 20 2008

The Matrix On Windows XP

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“Sooner or later, we all encounter an error, Neo. You will have to make a choice – to send en error report or not to send one, but is there a difference?”

A wonderfully nerdy video from

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