Archive for November 18th, 2008

Nov 18 2008

All Is Good

Published by under Blog

Stephen's GreenThank you to Maybury for introducing me to the Dome at the top of Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre. It is now an Asian restaurant with great Sushi, Curry and Chicken Balls. Joyfully, the Green has now got Free WiFi which allows me eat lunch, look out across the park, find inner peace and play chess on Facebook, all at the same time.


Today has improved exponentially since I fell out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. I’m on top of things at work and am looking forward to the Father Ted Table Quiz this evening.


Tomorrow night, we’re going to see The Panel (thank you, M) and on Saturday we’re going to a house-warming party. On Friday/Saturday, I hope to see the other family, who are coming up to Dublin for a visit.


Loads going on. All is good.

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Nov 18 2008

Angry Dreams

Published by under Blog

DreamsLast night’s dream: I awoke at 2 o’clock in the afternoon at my desk in work. I was groggy and confused and wearing my duvet (at least I wasn’t naked). My boss gave out to me for being late.


Today, I am angry at my boss for giving out to me in my dream. Rational? I think not.


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