Archive for November 19th, 2008

Nov 19 2008

I Win

Published by under Blog

Like a lot of people, whenever there’s a raffle or a draw of any type, I am oft heard bemoaning the fact that “I never win anything at these things“. And Tuesday night was no different.


As the final scores of the Father Ted Table Quiz were tabulated, we were just hoping to come in the top half of the 27 teams (we came 13th). The raffle began and we were all anxiously gripping our blue raffle tickets. Anto was convinced his two strips (11 to 15 and 16 to 20) would net him something great. It did not. I had no such confidence in my two (21 to 25 and 26 to 30).


In reverse order they drew out six tickets:


First one – yellow ticket…


Second – yellow ticket…


Third – yellow ticket…


Forth – yellow ticket…


Fifth – yellow ticket (at this point one table had won three prizes)…


The sixth ticket was drawn – at last, a blue ticket. There were cheers from all the blue tables. I yelped so loud with joy for the blue ticket that I didn’t even notice that ticket number 23 was called out. What? I won? Woohoo!


€75 voucher for Fitzers Restaurant – all mine. 😀

6 responses so far

Nov 19 2008

Dr. Gregory House

Published by under Blog,TV

I may have mentioned Hugh Laurie‘s House M.D. before. It’s a US TV show where Laurie plays the head of the diagnostic department in a training hospital. Each week, he and his team must find out what ails this week’s patient before they die. It’s very formulaic, but the characters are so strong and funny that it doesn’t matter. It really is one of the best shows on TV at the moment and has developed a considerable fan base. One of dem did this:

Gregory House in Cartoon

Gregory House in Cartoon

10 responses so far