Oct 06 2008

The Krypton Factor

Published by at 2:25 pm under Blog,TV

After my recent punnery on the show’s title, I discover that one of the greatest TV shows ever is returning. The Krypton Factor, which originally ran for 18 years and finished in 1995, will return for a new revamped series next year.

ITV say it will be harder and include the latest technology to create a new show for the 21st century. I’m excited. I think the only thing better would be news that they are bringing back The Crystal Maze.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “The Krypton Factor”

  1. K8on 06 Oct 2008 at 3:46 pm

    I too miss the crystal maze something awful – they’d have to bring back that baldy Richard chap though, he was a natural on that show. At one stage I was convinced he actually lived there.

    I must be really thick… I can’t access your Another Saturday post!!! The page stops loading after the links you put in and I’m absolutely gagging for a read of it!

    I’ll keep trying 🙂

  2. whoopsadaisyon 06 Oct 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Great news Darren…unfortunately it says the video is no longer available 🙁
    Krypton Factor used to be one of my favourite shows – and I loved The Crystal Maze too!

  3. whoopsadaisyon 06 Oct 2008 at 5:27 pm

    @ K8 is it possible you are not reading below the line Darren has drawn under his links???? Just a question, just in case, like 🙂

  4. Lottieon 07 Oct 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Nifty. I never watched it on TV – stupid bogger land tv.

  5. Darrenon 07 Oct 2008 at 5:41 pm

    @K8 I think I was the same. I thought it was his home and they went there each week to film the show.

    @Lottie You are going to love it.

  6. raptureponieson 08 Oct 2008 at 10:25 am

    I was convinced I left a comment here, about how awesome the Krypton Factor is.

    After last night, must stop saying awesome so much!

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