Archive for October 6th, 2008

Oct 06 2008

Another Saturday… Errors Resolved

Published by under Blog

Seemingly some people had problems accessing my Another Saturday post as part of the Seven Bloggers Project. The problem appears to have sorted itself out now. So, go on, give it a read.

Another Saturday…



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Oct 06 2008

Live Blogging The Apprentice

Published by under Blog,TV

Lottie will be taking over the reigns held last week by Deborah on Avoiding Life and AJ on LeCraic the first week, to live blog tonight’s episode of The Apprentice Ireland. Tune in to TV3 at 9 this evening with laptops at the ready to praise, ridicule, berate and critique the contestants this week.

Show up and support Lottie – she’s nervous. 🙂


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Oct 06 2008

The Krypton Factor

Published by under Blog,TV

After my recent punnery on the show’s title, I discover that one of the greatest TV shows ever is returning. The Krypton Factor, which originally ran for 18 years and finished in 1995, will return for a new revamped series next year.

ITV say it will be harder and include the latest technology to create a new show for the 21st century. I’m excited. I think the only thing better would be news that they are bringing back The Crystal Maze.

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