Archive for October 21st, 2008

Oct 21 2008

Blog Post Of The Month?

Published by under Blog

Maxi Cane

Maxi Cane, a man of many words, most of them foul, is also a man of depth, a man who tells a good tale well. He is usually funny, even satirical. But it is in his more personal posts that he lets his best writing shine through, ahead of the imagery, ahead of the unique descriptions, ahead of the comedy.

The first post of his I ever read and love was Memories, in the corner of my mind… and much as I loved the hilarity of it, I was amazed by the next post I read, Snap, which was startlingly honest.

But it is his recent Blog Pound post, No, I’m Not, that has really given an insight into the man and his life. Written with such brutal honesty, without losing any of his usual entertaining descriptiveness, it is the story of how family can really mess your life up. His frankness when talking about his aunt’s alcoholism and the effect it had on him, his brother, his parents and their lives is both shocking and brilliant.

I am nominating No, I’m Not for Blog Post of the Month and I would ask you to do the same.

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Oct 21 2008

Apprentice Live Blogging Week 6

Published by under Blog,TV

Orla FiredAJ over on leCraic has been chronicling the Irish Apprentice and each week we’ve been live blogging the show. AJ kicked it off and then Debz picked up the reigns. The Lovely Lottie (ably assisted by her sidekick, eh, me) did a fine job before passing it over to Gav. We had a lot of fun on Anto‘s blog last night and next week it’s my turn to attack it.

I hope you can join me. 🙂

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