Archive for October 7th, 2008

Oct 07 2008

Madness, Yet There Is Method In’t

Published by under Blog

I have two things to say to Mr Gray Wright:

Firstly, your name is so damn cool. I’m sure it’s a pseudonym to keep you in the land of anon, but I hope it’s a real name because I love it.

Secondly, you may have teetered over the edge and fallen into insanity. Maybe!


Gray is a new blogger who writes on Sinful Origami Paper and has a nice turn of phrase which forced me to go back and read all of his posts (it wasn’t too much work – there’s only 9 posts). I would particularly recommend reading Broken Places.

Today’s post, Stranger Than Fiction, shows him slipping into madness, but there is something in what he’s saying. Stuck in a Truman Show psychosis, he is worried that everything may be an illusion, a figment of the imagination. So, is he right? Is the whole world a stage in which we are all the players and he is the director. Or worse, is his girlfriend pulling the strings? Aagh! I think he’s taking me down with him.

Go check out his blog…now…go on…

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