Oct 03 2008

My Favourite Picture Of Me

Published by at 12:58 am under Blog

I‘m on the DART on the way home after the David O’Doherty gig in Vicar Street and I’ve been catching up on the affairs over in The Blog Pound. It’s a lively, if somewhat pointless debate spurred on by a rant from my best friend Mr Doyle. I’m not going to add anymore to the debate here. I don’t feel there’s a need.

However, in my reading, I followed a link to Le Craic’s blog this evening and now, sitting on the train laughing so hard I look like a buffoon, I’m receiving odd stares from my fellow passengers.

So, what has inspired my guffaws. AJ’s photoshopping skills have produced the best picture of me ever, with some sage words from yours truly included.


Darren Wise Web Man from lecraic.com

AJ, I love this. Still new to blogging, I have enjoyed it so much and it’s silly moments like this that make me realise why. It’s all fun. The online debates and the offline meetups; the lengthly reports on new Irish start-ups and the stories of bruised moobs; the lampooning videos of US Vice-Presidential candidates and the YouTube clips of a strange unicorn named Charlie; the smiling pictures of bloggers with Mickey Mouse and the photoshopped satire of the very talented AJ. All of these things make reading blogs far more interesting than just perusing the Independent in the morning or vegetating in front of Sky One all evening.

So…I say, let’s all meet up at the Web Awards and raise a glass to the Blogosphere and all who sail in her.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “My Favourite Picture Of Me”

  1. Darraghon 03 Oct 2008 at 2:27 am

    It is a shocking good look for you though, Darren. Right in time for the end of the Month too!

  2. whoopsadaisyon 03 Oct 2008 at 11:51 am

    It is a good look for you Darren…in a mid USA, country hick kinda way 😛

    (it’s the beardy thing!)

  3. Marieon 03 Oct 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Brilliant! You’ve got you Halloween costume sorted so!

  4. Darrenon 03 Oct 2008 at 5:32 pm

    @Daisy What in tarnation you talkin’ ’bout?

    @Darragh @Marie This will NOT, I repeat, NOT be my Halloween costume. I’m going to be Frank N Furter. 😀

  5. le craicon 03 Oct 2008 at 8:42 pm

    Cheers dude. it is a good look for you – maybe not such a long beard, but the robes – definitely !

  6. Darrenon 07 Oct 2008 at 5:25 pm

    @LeCraic I am coming around to the look. Where would I get a tablet that size though? Boots?

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