Sep 29 2008

Coronas In Greystones

Published by at 11:23 pm under Blog

Maybe I should give up training to be an accountant and become an events organiser instead. It sounds like a lot more fun.

The CoronasCoronas are playing in Greystones, in the new theatre, on Sunday 5th October at 8pm. It’s a great venue with incredible sound, so it’s sure to be a good gig. Tickets are only €15 and we’ll be having a few drinks before and afterwards. Drop me a mail (darren at darrenbyrne dot com) if you want to come along and you can pay for the tickets on the night. Also, I’ll be taking the Monday off, if anyone plans on joining me for a late one (Anto, I’m talking to you here).

If you don’t know who Coronas are, then shame on you, but here’s their website.  Also, invite as many as you like – just let me know the numbers before Friday.

Additionally, just to give you a heads up – I’ll also be arranging a big night out for the end of Lottie‘s exams on October 10th, with The Flaws playing in Greystones Theatre too. It’ll be one of our now infamous cocktail nights. It’s the night before the Web Awards on the 11th, so let’s make a mad weekend out of it. I’ll talk more about that next week.

So, to the very few of you who have not been down to our apartment yet, let me know if you need directions, DART times, bus times, etc.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Coronas In Greystones”

  1. raptureponieson 30 Sep 2008 at 3:22 pm

    aHH! accidental comment here.

  2. Yer Manon 30 Sep 2008 at 7:24 pm

    cool! coronas .. saw them @ oxegen this year! and also @ young social innovators! 😀 they were great both times
    good luck with the exams 🙂

    btw, im doing accountancy in secondary and yes , before u say it .. its a bitch 😛

  3. Darrenon 02 Oct 2008 at 5:17 pm

    @RP lol

    @YerMan Really looking forward to catching them. They did two songs at the John Brogan thing recently, which was brilliant. And let that be last the last mention of Accountancy on my blog EVER. 🙂

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