Sep 06 2008

America’s Got Talent (Apparently)

Published by at 4:42 pm under Blog

I‘m sitting here flicking through the channels, bored, and I happen on America’s Got Talent. I know I should be ashamed of myself, I know I should immediately turn it off, but I don’t. I sit and I watch.

Two acts caught my attention. One is an 80 year old dancer:

The second is at the other end of the scale entirely – so cute:

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “America’s Got Talent (Apparently)”

  1. Darraghon 06 Sep 2008 at 6:11 pm

    One of the things I’m constantly surprised by is that the team behind America’s Got Talent and indeed Britain’s Got Talent don’t get more awards for editing. They certainly know how to cut the footage and the camera angles to get the desired emotional effect.

    Then again, they’re reeling in so much money I doubt they care.

    Jerry Springer as presenter though?

  2. Joon 06 Sep 2008 at 6:31 pm

    Wow, that is one precocious child! The family seem sweet and fairly well adjusted.

    You know what though, i’m delighted to see she’s about as good as you’d expect a 4 year old to be – I hate all those kids singing like Britney and Christina Aguilera did, all deep voiced and inappropriately soul-y.

    I have to admit, it made me cry how nice they were to her. Sweet!

  3. TheChrisDon 06 Sep 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Ahh, I loved both of them.

    It’s just a pity it was slightly ruined for decent TV quality, since I caught them on YouTube almost as soon as they had played on TV in the US 🙁

  4. Lottieon 06 Sep 2008 at 10:21 pm

    That little kid was just too adorable. She’s making it hard for me to hate children.

  5. Claireon 06 Sep 2008 at 11:54 pm

    That old lady almost made me lose the will to live!

    The kid was cute though..

  6. Xbox4NappyRashon 07 Sep 2008 at 10:37 am

    I’m off to dig out ‘An Amewican Tale’ now…

  7. Andrewon 07 Sep 2008 at 1:59 pm

    Byrne that is cheap and lazy posting of a standard of an immensely high standard of which even I would be proud! Do you save all your long pieces for 49£ these days?

  8. Pauricon 07 Sep 2008 at 9:47 pm

    Forget “America’s got talent” (it also has rampant obesity, stupidity, George Bush, Paris Hilton and a crap economy) have you noticed how addictive ‘The X Factor’ is lately? Is it Cheryl Cole that does it? Its not Danny “clingfilmface” Minogue anyways. And its definitely not because of the closet gay irishman. Hmmm…I shall study it further.

  9. Stellaon 07 Sep 2008 at 11:25 pm

    That wee girl would whoop your ass at Singstar! lol

    Btw, I think Lottie might be getting broody after that! 😮

  10. B'dumon 08 Sep 2008 at 12:22 pm

    These shows love having old people and very young people.

    what about me?!

  11. Andrewon 08 Sep 2008 at 12:33 pm

    B’dum – they also love people with disabilities or oddities so just emphasise your rampant OCD and you’ll be a shoo-in.

  12. Darrenon 08 Sep 2008 at 12:48 pm

    @Darragh True – they wring every emotional drip out of each scene through clever shots, dramatic pauses and ad breaks between the big reveals. It’s annoying as hell, but quite clever.

    @Jo Yay! I made you cry! 🙂

    @ChrisD I was surprised to find the YouTube clips literally as I watched them perform on TV. I think it’s only a day behind US television.

    @Lottie Remember the DART this morning? Kids are evil!!!

    @Claire I like the old lady. Like a real life Baby Jane.

    @Xboz lol – I’d forgotten where it was from.

    @Andrew Nope! Please see and read (in full) today’s rant about O2.

    @Pauric I have to admit I couldn’t get through all of America’g Got Talent, but I was riveted for all of X-Factor. (Boyo, do you blog or are you keeping it a secret?)

    @Stella I’d like to see the bitch try. (I refer to the girl beating me at Singstar, not Lottie’s broodiness…although that’s a no no too.)

    @B’Dum Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you juggle?

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