Jul 31 2008

My Week Offline

Published by at 10:59 pm under Blog

This evening’s DART journey was thankfully far less eventful than this morning’s. After an eye-opening and boundary crossing shopping trip with Maybury, I’m heading towards home and can take the time to look back over my week.

I got set up with the O2 Broadband last week and since then, rather than blog incessantly, wherever I am, all’s been quiet on the webbery front. So, what have I been up to?

Well, work’s been very busy and while I try to avoid spending my working day online anyway, this last week has seen me spend particularly short periods of time online. Short of answering emails and playing the odd word in Scrabulous on FaceBook, I’ve been actually doing my real work. A few people lately have asked me what I do for money in this big bad world. I usually say that it’s not that interesting and move on, but trust me…it’s not that interesting, so I really don’t want to bore you or me talking about it. Move on.

So, this week, when I’ve managed to get home from my stressful days’ work, I’ve been so tired that I really haven’t wanted to write about anything, least of all my life. Instead, I’ve been listening to Tom Waits and doing some tidying up around the apartment.

The cleaning up is an absolute necessity following last Saturday night’s cocktail party, thrown by Miss Lottie. Such a fun night I have not had in ages, considering I’ve had some brilliant nights in recent times. I apologise now to everyone who was there for hogging the SingStar mic for the whole night. You all need to learn to say “No Darren, No”.

Many songs, many cocktails, many odd conversations later, I found myself on the sitting room floor at 9am staring at D2‘s laces. Yes, his laces. I did what any other rational, sane, intelligent person would do. I stole his laces and tied Anto to Orpies. Orpies managed to free herself rather quickly (she’s a bright girl). Anto – not so bright.

Anto with His Ass Tied to His Face

Monday night brought us back to see the Dark Knight for my second time and Lottie’s first. It really is awesome. The truest Summer blockbuster since Jurassic Park. I will go again…and again.

Tuesday came and I still hadn’t recovered from Saturday night/Sunday morning, but I was due to go to dinner with the other volunteers for the Dublin Writers’ Festival. We ate in Eden in Meeting House Square and had a really nice evening. The company was great, the food was beautiful and the service was excellent. Thank you to Lean, Jack and everyone in the Arts Office for arranging both this night and the Writers’ festival itself.

Wednesday – finally, I get the opportunity to go home, chill out, sit down and recover. With Waits on the iPod, I sit back relax and read through a small portion of the three billion posts in my feed-reader. I need to trim some of these down.

A Humble Return

Which brings me to Thursday. I return to the Blogosphere and I am shocked at how much I missed it. I love writing about what’s going on with my life. It’s not so I can entertain and enthrall you lot (because I’m undoubtedly wide of the mark if that’s my aim). I do it for me – it’s fun and entertains me. I enjoy writing and I enjoy looking back over the day, over the gigs I’ve been to, over the nights out I’ve had, over the conversations and altercations I’ve had with the people I’ve met. I hope I don’t over-analyse, because I’m constantly telling Doyle to stop that, but I do enjoy clearing my thoughts and doing post-mortems on the things I’ve done and said. It pains me to sound this American, but I find it therapeutic.

Anyway, I’d like to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and a massive thank you to all who comment. The comments are the icing on the cake for me – cheers.

Update: After publishing I noticed Raptureponies has given her thoughts on Blogging at the moment. Check it out.


10 responses so far

10 Responses to “My Week Offline”

  1. Darraghon 01 Aug 2008 at 12:30 am

    Dude seriously, the big letters? Erm. 😛

    No, good post. Glad you’re still enjoying it. Looking forward to more!

  2. benon 01 Aug 2008 at 8:32 am

    yeah i like the blogging thing as it distracts me from the copious amounts of porn on the web.
    Given that i haven’t posted in ages. . . Eh woopsies

  3. benon 01 Aug 2008 at 8:33 am

    oh and i like the big letters

  4. Maryon 01 Aug 2008 at 8:56 am

    Don’t mind those bullies Darren, they’re the ones who don’t know how to write properly, the start of new sentences are MEANT to be in big letter ;-).

    Seriously though, I love reading your blog and see what goes on in that head of yours and you make me laugh out loud at the way you say and word things.
    Keep blogging for as long as you’re enjoying it as you’re keeping many of us entertained.

  5. Lottieon 01 Aug 2008 at 9:27 am

    @ Ben – there’s porn on the web? Why has no-one informed me of this. I’m off…..

  6. Anthonyon 01 Aug 2008 at 9:36 am

    I should have destroyed the memory card. Instead I destroyed my pride.

  7. MJon 01 Aug 2008 at 9:59 am


  8. Lottieon 01 Aug 2008 at 10:04 am

    Antny – can’t miss what you never had.

  9. Darrenon 01 Aug 2008 at 10:30 am

    @Darragh I have two big letters for you. One of them is F.

    @Ben Thank you! Also…porn? Re-he-he-eally?

    @Mary 😆 Fair play – you tell Doyle! And thank you for your kind comments.

    @Lottie We’ve all been keeping it a secret from you.

    @Anto Don’t mind Lottie. You definitely had some pride when I first met you. Definitely!

    @MJ 😉

  10. Darren.. tooon 01 Aug 2008 at 2:07 pm

    I cant help laughing at that pic every time I see it. Classy!

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