Jan 29 2012

Reality TV And The Voice Of Ireland

Published by at 9:57 am under Blog,Vlog

Eh…I don’t like reality TV…I think.

Also, a huge thanks to everyone who has given me positive feedback on these little videos over the last week. It’s greatly appreciated.

14 responses so far

14 Responses to “Reality TV And The Voice Of Ireland”

  1. meggers1992on 30 Jan 2012 at 4:43 am

    [..YouTube..] Yay for 50 subscribers! =) I sadly watch way too much reality TV. I’m with you, I watch it, but I really don’t think I enjoy it… it just kind of sucks you in. I do very much so enjoy Big Brother though.

  2. TheChrisDon 30 Jan 2012 at 5:53 am

    [..YouTube..] I wish I could remember the time I had 50 subs…

  3. CiaranFFMon 30 Jan 2012 at 8:59 am

    [..YouTube..] Like the t-shirt! The video is also good! Not a fan of reality TV either, but am partial to some Come Dine With Me…

  4. quacksishon 30 Jan 2012 at 11:36 am

    [..YouTube..] Oh, B. You do make me snigger.

  5. Lisa McInerneyon 30 Jan 2012 at 11:36 am

    [..YouTube..] Oh, B. You do make me snigger.

  6. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:18 pm

    [..YouTube..] @TheChrisD Oh. My. Jebus. 942 subs?? Wow!

  7. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:18 pm

    [..YouTube..] Oh. My. Jebus. 942 subs?? Wow!

  8. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:21 pm

    [..YouTube..] @CiaranFFM Thanks. ‘Tis an awesome t-shirt; a gift from my best mate.

  9. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:21 pm

    [..YouTube..] Thanks. ‘Tis an awesome t-shirt; a gift from my best mate.

  10. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:21 pm

    [..YouTube..] @quacksish Heh. Cheers, Lisa.

  11. Valmont2007on 30 Jan 2012 at 2:21 pm

    [..YouTube..] Heh. Cheers, Lisa.

  12. TheSonicScrewon 30 Jan 2012 at 10:57 pm

    [..YouTube..] You have the hang of it. Easily! We shall set up this collab of ours soon. 🙂

  13. dont sayon 11 Feb 2012 at 1:11 am

    email me re voice of Ireland video

  14. Thespeakerofmanytru8on 25 Mar 2012 at 11:00 pm

    [..YouTube..] The voice of Ireland is just another pathetic Karaoke sing along show with a bunch of whiney hipster lame duck artists like Bressie and a boy band has-been who thinks he can get some credibility by painfully strumming three power-chords on a Les Paul. I say they should just Air Thin Lizzy: live at the Sydney Opera house and Thin Lizzy: Live and Dangerous if they want to see some real musical talent from Ireland.

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