May 12 2010

What Next?

Published by at 6:34 am under Blog

Hey Darren, how are you?

Hi D, you’re well?

All is good with you?

Everything ok?

You in good form, mate?

‘Story, bud?

I’m grand. I’m fine. Coping. I’m good, yeah.

All just words really; they mean very little.

The truth is, I’m having a hectic and messy few weeks, but I’m positive about where things are heading. I’m loving work right now and when I’m out of an evening, I’m having fun, rather than just going through the motions.

There are plenty of people who’ve had it worse than me. It’s just hard sometimes to step out of self-obsession long enough to see this.

My new job in the IIA, though just short term, is perfectly suited to me. All the jobs I’ve had and all the experience I’ve gained over the years seem to be geared towards this position. And it’s nice to feel challenged by work again. is going phenomenally well. Traffic on the site is taking a jump again in recent times. This is due to some great new writers, consistent quality content (the most important thing, IMO) and support from companies and PR firms who are able to offer competition prizes, review tickets and other information. Yes, it still costs me money to run. I’m reluctant to put ads on the site to pay for it, as I don’t want to take away its community feeling. We’ll see.

The love life is a real life horror movie, so there’s no change there. I just need to get used to my own company for a while. I need to find myself, blah, blah, blah… Truthfully, I don’t know what I need or want, but I’m going to try to enjoy finding out.

What else? What do you want to know?

I think Amy the Cat is feeling very neglected these days. I should pay her more attention. She doesn’t bring me dead birds as gifts anymore. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. Does she hate me now? 🙂

I’m trying to keep this week free of plans – we’re coming up to our Annual Conference next week and the preparations for that are forcing me to keep long hours. That said, I’m hoping to catch Manny Quinn tomorrow evening, head to the Queen’s 25th on Friday and then after a hopefully quiet weekend, head to see Sandi Thom in Whelans on Monday. Yes, that is my idea of a quiet few days.

All in all, it’s not too bad. I’m smiling.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “What Next?”

  1. pmon 12 May 2010 at 12:50 pm


    Keep smiling it’s all you can do………..lately i find myself listining to the glee soundtrack and the song SMILE by Charlie Chaplin………

    It’s great that you have a job that you like so much and you can throw yourself into……

  2. TheChrisDon 12 May 2010 at 9:23 pm

    You still have Amy? You should give her a big does of love every now and then. Maybe even just a night at home with a movie with her up on your lap.

    Or send her over here to me. Maybe she might scare the dog out of this house, especially if she’s still capable of trampling on things she shouldn’t be anywhere near…

  3. Anonymouson 14 May 2010 at 1:56 pm

    “All in all, it’s not too bad. I’m smiling.”

    You’re one of very few.

  4. Kitty Caton 17 May 2010 at 11:58 am

    “What else? What do you want to know?”

    Favourite Thundercat?

    In the words of Dory; “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..” Cos y’know, otherwise a shark with an Aussie accent may get you and we certainly don’t want that. It would appear that I don’t make any sense on Mondays. Apologies and hugs.

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